A dry refreshing blend of Jeffbrew apple cider, spiced rum, and a splash of vodka. Enjoy with your friends, or alone like a scurvy dog. Matey.
- Extract: Black Rock Cider
- Fermentables: Brewcraft #15 Brew Enhancer
- Adjuncts: 500g Lactose (added when yeast is pitched), Apple Schnapps, 350ml vodka, 350ml Captain Morgan Black Label (all added 6 days before bottling)
- Yeast: Black Rock kit yeast
- Final Volume: 21L
- Yeast Pitched: 25/09/2011
- Bottled: 11/10/2011
- Specific Gravity: 1055 – 1008 (7.5% Alc/Vol after spirits added)
I want some ..AAAAAAAARRRRR 😉